帝君极限救场免费观看 高清

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分类: 爱情片 2011

导演: Katie Aselton


The Freebie centers on Darren (Shepard) and Annie (Aselton), a young married couple with an enviable relationship built on love trust and communication. Darren and Annie still enjoy each other’s company and laugh at each other’s jokes, but, unfortunately, they can’t remember the last time they had sex. When a dinner party conversation leads to an honest discussion about the state of their love life, and when a sexy bikini photo shoot leads to crossword puzzles instead of sex, they begin to flirt with a way to spice things up. The deal: one night of freedom, no strings attached, no questions asked. Could a freebie be the cure for their ailing sex life? And will they go through with it? With a keen eye and fresh take, Aselton’s directorial debut shines with crisp storytelling and fine-tuned performances. THE Freebie is an insightful and humorous look at love, sustaining relationships , and the awkwardness of monogamy when the haze of lust has faded.


  • 畅驰 8小时前 :


  • 羽惜玉 1小时前 :

    逻辑没搞懂 明明是男主先骗了女主 结果最后女主反思认错?

  • 洲锦 9小时前 :


  • 梦莉 0小时前 :

    Kudos Jimmy Ouyang for selling the story.

  • 枫雅 4小时前 :

    呃…男的欺骗在先 又拉着女主骗自己家人 搞得女生两边不讨好 结果最后女主还cos真爱至上去跟男主求爱?这部主创都是男的吧?

  • 芸妍 3小时前 :

    Love doesn't have to be perfect, it has to be honest.

  • 童星驰 1小时前 :


  • 系慧晨 3小时前 :

    还不如欧阳万成自己的stand-up comedy呢。奶飞这提前量也太多了吧,牛姐的歌都还没霸榜呢,怎么现在就开始放holiday season的片子了。

  • 紫俊 3小时前 :

    Tell them it's the Mormons!

  • 珠馨 0小时前 :


  • 钦代珊 1小时前 :

    But then the insecurities creep in, and you start with a slight exaggeration. Still you, just a shinier version. But… you like it. So you tweak it just a little more until the real you, which was probably pretty great to begin with, is unrecognisable. / I’ve been so focused on other people’s dishonesty that I never really stopped to look at my own.

  • 赫巧香 4小时前 :

    Christmas movie 2021 home alone

  • 段干向薇 9小时前 :


  • 门珠雨 2小时前 :


  • 鄢嘉淑 9小时前 :


  • 星辰 9小时前 :


  • 普浩阔 4小时前 :

    是有趣的,探讨了一个爱情中表层谎言和深层谎言的话题。结局有点夸张但是考虑到是圣诞主题,合家欢的happy ending也是可以接受的。

  • 星琛 8小时前 :

    不过欧阳万成真的可爱 好像大雄 女生站在他旁边仿佛他的私教

  • 诺问柳 1小时前 :


  • 贵瑞绣 0小时前 :

    和love actually的连结 加一星


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