劫后黄金梦 高清下载 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 动作片 1992

导演: David Chameides


This is a budget action film. Some people seem to think that low budget means that bad acting and worse action scenes are excusable. Anyone whose seen a really good budget movie will know that there's really no excuse. All directors have to start somewhere of course, but this director wont be going anywhere, in my opinion. The acting in this film is truly awful. There's not much I can say to redeem it. The mood of the film flicks between over-serious and Benny hill trash comedy (an apparent attempt to reproduce the comedy style of some Japanese action films, which doesn't work). The car chase being a good example; what the hell is with the stupid music and unfunny attempts at comedy when the rest of the film is trying to be serious?!. It makes no sense and gives the feeling that the director was either high, a clueless student, or both. There are some hot babes in the film but nowhere near hot enough to make the bad acting bearable. Bas is a hero to any fighting fan but I'm afraid to say his appearance is so short I can't even recommend the film to his die-hard fans. A previous reviewer forgave this film's misgivings giving it 8 stars, and I can understand that there are times when budget movie-trash is sometimes a good laugh, but there are so many much better budget films than this that I can't find it in my heart to recommend it to anyone other than the directors mum.


  • 姜琼音 3小时前 :

    不知自己是不是变得太cynical 如果拍成自我认知与欲望的探索与成长,而不是这没有希望且滑稽的“等待拯救”滥俗故事会好很多。没有结果的事情,有什么好拉扯呢 move on!

  • 宇星 9小时前 :


  • 前仙仪 2小时前 :

    not gonna let me go?💔💔

  • 卫秀凤 3小时前 :


  • 心茹 7小时前 :

    隐秘的 无法言说的 涌动着

  • 刀迎波 9小时前 :

    So now, pretty much every religion feels like a cult to me…

  • 养梦菡 5小时前 :


  • 慎琨瑜 1小时前 :


  • 弘年 8小时前 :


  • 姜笑翠 0小时前 :


  • 吕水风 5小时前 :

    多一星给她们的chemistry。What the fuck给剧情。

  • 咸弘和 5小时前 :


  • 尉迟山槐 1小时前 :

    女主被拿捏死了,为了约会还要去bible study,心疼了。我还是很爱这样的片子,没有明确的be我就当可以he了,我真的很需要快乐的女同电影,很需要。

  • 姒米琪 0小时前 :


  • 彩橘 7小时前 :

    So now, pretty much every religion feels like a cult to me…

  • 年智敏 8小时前 :


  • 宇星 6小时前 :


  • 宗政秋阳 2小时前 :

    不喜欢宗教题材,看着很压抑;画风和配乐还是很美的。两位演员太有性张力了,吻戏拍得好棒!个人觉得是dead ending……(Jamie简直是理想型)

  • 文端敏 3小时前 :

    this love is a forever love .最喜欢影院厕所背后贴着抱,有一种被禁止的爱在抑制不了的欲望下最大程度地释放的感觉,她们在jamie家亲亲那里真的好怕突然被人看见啊!btw我看的是没字幕版本看完之后来翻评论看到亿万那句“翻完咯”我的内心是崩溃的!😨

  • 原鹏翼 6小时前 :

    19年为烧女图落过泪之后这是第二次落泪了!到最后结尾之后后劲蛮大的 爆哭!!不明白自欺欺人一辈子很累的 怎么那么不知足什么都想要呢!


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