
  After some misunderstanding, Sakaguchi is hired to make a tourist guide video on Tobako (a fictitious name for Kawaguchi) in the outskirts of Tokyo. This element in the script sparks off a fanciful wandering strewn with unexpected meetings. First with Kitagawa, thanks to whom Sakaguchi landed the job. Then with a seamstress, and then with Yoshino, with whom a half-hearted romance emerges. Thus the narrative unfolds, in halts and swerves, espousing unexpected meetings, and offering the strolling character an opportunity for displacements from one place to the next. The deserted town has come to a standstill – the shooting took place during the lockdown – and this acts as a metaphor for the idleness of the characters. Garden Sandbox is light and nimble, whereas its main character hasa limp. Her demeanour and her stiff body exude a peculiar quality, somewhat comically at odds with the setting. Apathetically playing along, the young woman gleans from each character some pieces of information about the town and, then, touch by touch she delineates its picture: ultimately, the place comes acrossas a post-industrial locale whose foundries are now obsolete. Sakaguchi’s very meanderings lead her to a rich family’s house for a sewing lesson. In this pivotal scene, the lady of the house invites her to don an upper-class wedding dress. Through a gesture both radical and powerful, which itself informs the dynamic of the film as a whole, a gleeful snip of the scissors transforms the item of clothing into the ultimate chic of haute-couture design. What weaves together this truant escape whose motifs and fabric seem inspired by Jacques Rozier’s films, a crumbling industrial heritage and the transforming of a traditional wedding dress? With Garden Sandbox, whose title is a reference to the type of sand used in the foundries, joyfully and playfully, Yukinori Kurokawa interrogates the concepts of mutation and (re)use as sources of boundless possibilities. (Claire Lasolle)


  • 包尔风 1小时前 :


  • 戊圣杰 3小时前 :


  • 东郭笑霜 2小时前 :


  • 姜琼音 5小时前 :


  • 俞鸿德 5小时前 :


  • 严秀梅 6小时前 :


  • 德依美 5小时前 :

    合家欢有啥不好 不带脑子看的挺开心的 韩国版真爱至上哈哈哈哈

  • 仁敏慧 1小时前 :


  • 尧长逸 9小时前 :

    我真的对这种圣诞新年合家欢剧情百看不腻 本来就只是为了看颜的竟还能在姜河那林允儿那part掉眼泪也是略惊喜

  • 宋清宁 9小时前 :


  • 俟飞兰 2小时前 :

    哈哈蛮好 因为不信天造地设唯一灵魂伴侣那一套 看韩剧会觉得为什么男女主角痛苦来痛苦去都这么痛苦了还搞非你不可一定要在一起那一套 喜欢浪漫的体质很大程度上也是因为里面的关系很轻松不沉重会觉得他们在一起很好不在一起也很好 遇到谁还是取决于你是谁吧

  • 府曼珠 2小时前 :


  • 前奥婷 3小时前 :


  • 宗政念真 1小时前 :

    最喜欢经纪人和歌手的故事 大概是因为模仿我的野蛮女友的叮嘱和卡农 有感动 然后老头老太童心未泯的在球场上互相追逐打闹的场面 其他的一般

  • 厉涵瑶 3小时前 :


  • 位思懿 1小时前 :


  • 明柔 7小时前 :


  • 万夏菡 6小时前 :


  • 恒骏 8小时前 :


  • 展奇邃 4小时前 :



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